Welcome to the ‘London ladybird’

Welcome to London ladybird Junior Academy. It’s a modern school in the heart of Zanzibar. A school that is developing to meet new challenges where we will support you and your child’s transition into formal education as we develop their foundations of learning. At London ladybird School we believe that these early foundations of learning are key to your child’s educational success and the partnership between Nursery School, parent, and child plays an important role in this lifelong journey.

It is vital that your child’s early attitude to school is positive. Encouragement, enjoyment and a sense of achievement are part of this learning process. Your child must feel happy, safe and secure in a caring yet stimulating environment. Our experienced Nursery School staff will support you and your child in their transition to formal schooling, encouraging their social, emotional and physical well-being.

We use British Curriculum. Our facilities include a nursery, breakfast club and after school club. More importantly, we have an experienced and well qualified staff. A staff which works as a team to provide a broad and balanced education for children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years.

We make the settling in process as relaxed, smooth and enjoyable as possible for your child. If you have any concerns about your child starting nursery please do not hesitate to discuss these with me. Parents are always welcome to telephone the Nursery on 0776 510210 to check that their child has settled. Alternatively, I can be contacted at the Nursery via email at



Our indoor & outdoor play areas offer a safe and fun environment, where toddlers and children can create and develop life skills. Play areas are important for children, giving them a space for pretending, expressing, and imagining themselves. Play areas promote thinking, problem-solving, and turn-taking, and help children learn and develop skills in all domains.

The Aims of Our Curriculum

1. To provide quality structured, balanced learning experiences, which are relevant to the child and related to the real world.
2. To respond to the child’s individual developmental needs and allowing them to make progress related to their different abilities.
3. To ensure that all children have positive experiences of success giving them confidence and motivation for learning in the future.
4. To provide a happy and caring environment where children learn to express their social needs.
5. To provide a practical, comprehensive and consistent Early Years education following British curriculum across the Nursery area, ensuring a smooth transition from Nursery to Primary.
6. To create a partnership with parents to support and enhance the development of the children, reflecting co-operation and respecting equal opportunities.
7. To respect all faiths and traditions.

London ladybird


Many parents are eager to see the place that their child will be spending their time each day, and we encourage parents to come and view our classrooms and facilities. Our trained and qualified staff will be available during open days to answer any questions from parents or guardians about the London ladybird Nursery School, and our practices, or address any other concerns you might have.

Nursery School Staff

Nursery School Manager
Fatma Mohamed
Head teacher
Mrs Leila Wazir
Nursery Teacher
Mrs Salha Saleh
Nursery Teacher
Miss Farida Ramadhani
Nursery Teacher
Miss Rehema Shanny Olelah
Security Guard
Fred Yohana
School Administrator

Zena Khamis

Teaching Assistants:

Anna Severin

Agartha Solomon

Bisura Ramadhani

Dinner Lady

Salama Iddi Ramadhani

School Chef

Zabibu Juma Khalfan

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